中文关键词:  省政府;领导干部;审计机关;政府;领导
英文关键词:The provincial government, Leading cadres, Audit institutions, The government, Leadership
王凌智 葫芦岛富尔沃财富街商业运营管理有限公司,辽宁 葫芦岛 125000 
摘要点击次数: 698
全文下载次数: 594
      On October 9, 2014 the state council issued "the state council on strengthening the audit opinion," demand "of local governments at various levels shall be the principal person in charge to direct leadership at the corresponding level audit authority in accordance with the law". Today, to carry out the results? First of all, is the study of problems is put forward; Next, it is the government's main head directly lead the necessity of auditing organs at the corresponding levels; Third, to establish a theoretical analysis framework; 4 to 29 division of the leadership of the provincial government website information as samples, two division of leadership work time dimension information were analyzed; In the end, is the conclusion and suggestion.
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