中文关键词:  公共政策审计;公共政策执行审计;公共政策效果审计;公共政策审计载体;公共政策审计主题
英文关键词:Public Policy Audit,Audit of Public Policy Implementation,Audit of Public Policy Effectiveness,Object of Public Policy Audit,Subject Matter of Public Policy Audit
郑石桥 南京审计大学 审计科学研究院,江苏 南京 211815 
摘要点击次数: 578
全文下载次数: 486
      Principal-agent relationship exist among related public policy entity, due to self-interest and bounded rationality, under the condition of asymmetric information and environmental uncertainty, agents may deviate from the client's expectations, and then public policy correction mechanism need to be established, and public policy audit is the important elements of this correction mechanism, can be used as part of the policy execution supervision mechanism, forming audit of public policy implementation, also can be used as part of the public policy evaluation mechanism, forming audit of public policy effectiveness. Object of public policy audit include policies measures, policy program, policy fund, and policy effectiveness, these object involving such audit subject matter: non-financial information, financial information, behavior, and system. In essence, public policy audit is the application of basic logic audit to the object of public policy.
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