中文关键词:  会计稳健性 审计契约稳定性 审计师变更 审计费用
英文关键词:accounting conservatism, audit contract, auditor changes, audit fee
张菁 廖义刚 江西财经大学会计学院 
摘要点击次数: 530
全文下载次数: 672
      Based on samples of the A-share listed firms of shanghai and shenzhen in china from 2007 to 2014, we empirically study the relationship between the accounting conservatism and the auditing contract. The study shows that the lower the accounting conservatism, the next year is likely to occur changes in the accounting firms, and if the next year without the changes in the accounting firms, the next year's audit costs will increase significantly, accounting firms and the contractual relationship between enterprises are affected. Further testing also found that the high and low level of accounting conservatism will lead to changes in the accountancy firms, but if the next year the accounting firms do not change, they will significantly increase the low accounting robustness of the audit costs. In addition, the provinces with higher levels of rule of law are more prone to change in accounting firms than provinces with lower levels of the rule of law, and, in the case of a high Legal environment group and a low rule of law environment, accounting firms are significantly more likely to increase audit costs for the next year, But this relationship is more pronounced in the High Law environment group. The above research results show that the accounting conservatism is a standard which can help the accounting firm to carry on the audit risk evaluation, and the higher the accountant's steadiness, the lower the audit risk.
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