中文关键词:  环境不确定性;审计师选择;鉴证职能;产权性质;企业价值
英文关键词:Environmental Uncertainty; Auditor Selection; Authentication Function; Nature of Property; Enterprise Value
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(14BJYO15);安徽省级重大教学研究项目(2017jyxm0155); 安徽工业大学研究生创新研究基金项目 (2017109)
吴良海 蒋 翀 胡 琼 安徽工业大学商学院 
摘要点击次数: 784
全文下载次数: 606
      本文选择沪深A股上市公司年度数据作为研究样本,探究了环境不确定性、审计师选择与企业价值三者之间的关系,结果表明:①选择高质量审计师有利于提升企业价值;②高质量审计师提升企业价值的效应在国有与非国有两类企业中的差异不明显;③环境不确定性抑制了高质量审计师提升企业价值的效应;④环境不确定性抑制高质量审计师提升企业价值的效应在国有企业中更明显。这意味着审计师在现代财务呈报的环境中扮演了重要角色,即选择高质量审计师能够促进公司价值增值。但这种作用机制在2007年以来金融危机、房价泡沫、股市崩盘等事件对企业宏观和微观环境造成影响的情况下被削弱了,且在国有企业中表现更明显,这可以从我国企业独特的股权结构及政府的“扶持之手”理论角度予以解读。本文基于面板模型进行了稳健性检验,增加了研究结果的可靠性;纵观审计师选择与企业价值以往的研究,提供的是2007年以前的经验证据,本文将研究期间更新为2007 – 2016年度,进一步验证了不确定性环境条件下,高质量审计师是否以及如何提升企业价值,从而丰富了审计师选择经济后果的既有研究文献。
      This paper chooses the annual data of Shanghai and Shenzheng A-share listed companies from 2007 to 2016 as the research sample to explore the relationship between environmental uncertainty, auditor choice and enterprise value. The results show that: (1) The selection of high-quality auditors could effectively enhance enterprise value; (2) Among the state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises, there exists non-significant difference in the role of selecting high-quality auditors to enhance the enterprise value; (3) Environmental uncertainty inhibits the effect of high-quality auditors enhancing enterprise value; (4) The weakening effect of environmental uncertainty on the selection of high-quality auditors to enhance the value of the enterprises is more prominent in the state-owned enterprises. This means that auditors play an important role in the modern financial reporting environment, that is, the choice of high-quality auditors can promote the value-added of enterprises. However, this mechanism has been weakened in the case of the financial crisis, housing price bubble, stock market crash and other events affecting the macro and micro environment of enterprises since 2007, and it is more significant in the state-owned enterprises, which can be interpreted from the perspective of the unique equity structure of Chinese enterprises and the government 's " support hand" theory. In this paper, the robustness test is carried out based on panel data model, which increases the reliability of the research results. Throughout the past research on auditor selection and enterprise value, they provide empirical evidence before 2007. This paper updates the research period from 2007 to 2016, further verifies whether high-quality auditors enhance enterprise value under uncertainty environment, and then enriching the existing research literature on the economic consequences of auditor selection.
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